Blog Archive

Sep 22, 2013

What? Bark louder.

Lately Mrs. Stillman has been talking lower and lower. Sometimes I can’t figure out what she is saying.And those noodle-headed noisy  neighbors have been playing their “music created for idiots” lower too. They used to blast it.  I’m really glad about that part.

 Rusty Buckets, the dog next door, doesn’t bark as loud either. That part’s okay too.  But sometimes Mrs. Stillman looks real sad when she is talking to me. Then she finally speaks loud ennuf for me to hear. She looks like she is shouting but she sounds like she is talking.

Well, a couple of days ago Mrs. Stillman started teaching me hand signals. Who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks? Me!  I’ve already got the come and follow me signals down pat. But the others are too hard. She shoulda started me younger. I don’t know what the word sit means so when she points down I just stand there. I hope I figure that one out cause I don’t know what th* fuck  she is saying. (oops)

We had to go get flea medicine for the dog next door because Mr. Harold can’t afford to buy any. I said: “’mom’ poor rusty keeps scratching and she told me she has fleas.” ( I was kissin up to her, ya know) And it worked because we drove right to our Vet and told her the problem. Mrs. Vet gave us a free sample for tiny dogs. She knew Rusty needed it. Mrs. Stillman was happy too because that saved her some money this time. Tuesday we hadda buy Rusty some food. 

But they didn’t give it to us for free.
Mrs. Stillman says Rusty will be our “charity” whatever that means. I heard Mrs. Stillman say to Mr. Harold, “You owe me your life”. Is that what charity means?

Anyway, besides Rusty on one paw and the stupid neighbors on the other we have mostly been painting all summer. Did I show you the big one we had to finish for a client? It’s almost 6 dogs long! It’s called Prairie Fantasy. Here it is:

I did some sketches too, to give her some ideas. Here’s mine:

(I think mine is much better, but don’t tell her).

She helped a teeny bit with this one. Love Libby

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