Blog Archive

Mar 29, 2013

Spring is Springing

How can a dog write when her stenographer says she’s blocked?
I told her she doesn’t look like a block to me.  In fact, lately she’s been looking rounder and rounder!  Well I had so many things I wanted to talk about that I hired a new note taker.  As you can see, her handwriting is pretty weird.  I hope you can read it.  I’ll be stuck with this till Mrs. S gets unblocked.

It was so pretty today and sunny for a minute too.  Ithaca is famous for beautiful gorges and three or four
days of sun every year.  

Now that Spring is springing we go for walks more often, and you know what I did?  I walked around the whole block without a leash.  Mrs. S kept talking to me the whole time (I think she needs a lot of attention).  Anyway, I looked up at her, I almost sort of ran, and I even pranced, just like a real poodle.  That’s right, you heard me PRANCED!  I thought Mrs. Stillman was gonna faint she was so excited.  Truth is, so was I. We made it around the whole block, right up our steps and back into the house!  Mrs. S asked me not to tell anybody because she’s afraid that A TALE TO TELL will get mad at her for doing that.  So please don’t tell them.  I could be in big troubolo if she thought I was telling on her.  Ha Ha, which I am!  Anyway, don’t let her know I told you.

Did I tell you about Memee?  That’s our (ugh) Cat.  We hadda take him to the Vet for his check up.  Personally.  I think he should just check out.  (Ha ha giggle, yip).  At first, I was scared because I thought it was me we were taking.  But it turned out fine.  I was just there for the ride.  Whew!  I even got to go into the examining room and watch the whole thing.
The vet stuck a thermometer right up Memee’s butt!  Ha ha, I laughed and laughed.  But Memee did not.  What a party pooper!  Get it?  Pooper?  Ha ha ROTFLMAO!!

After the Exama Nation the vet. said Memee’s teeth needed an Opera Ration.  I’m not that fond of Opera, rations are you?  I prefer chicken.  Then the vet turned to Mrs. S and said something.  I think I heard her say “Four to Five hundred dollars’.  Mrs. s eyes got real big and she sat down so fast.  Plunk!

 Now it was about this time that I stopped shaking  (vet coat syndrome) so I went to console her as best I could.  Of course I wasn’t gonna lower myself to licking her face or anything like that.  But, I did allow her to meet my eyes for a minute.  Humans love that.

Speaking of humans, what’s all this hullabaloo about not letting same- sex couples adopt?  I think a dog is much better off with any kinda loving family than she would be sitting in some puppy mill somewhere, don’t you?  Even a nice shelter can’t take the place of a mommy or two, or a daddy or two, or a mommy and daddy who love you.  Even Mrs. Stillman is better than a puppy mill, and most of the time she’s better than a shelter too.  (Except when she’s blocked!)  I’ll bet human puppies feel the same way.
Oh, one more thing.  My groomer felt a bump on me so Mrs. S went bonkers and rushed me right over to blue coat heaven.  The Vet said that it was a sign of breast cancer (which is ridiculous because I was born in April, so my sign is the Ram).

What kind of sign is cancer anyway?  Is it fun?  It must be because Mrs. Stillman started hugging me like crazy, telling me what a good girl I was, and all.  Cancer must be like a contest because the Vet said I have a fifty/fifty chance.  I hope I win!  Mrs. Stillman does too.  She is almost praying for goodness sake!  Well not really, but she seems to be hoping very hard.

This morning I noticed she was looking at rescue poodle pictures on the computer!  I got suspicious.  I do not want no friggin brother or sister.  NO WAY!  It’s bad enough I have to put up with that stupid cat with the thermometer up his ass.  Ha ha ha ha ha!  ROTF again LMAO just thinking about it.  Wait a minute till I catch my breath.
Oka.y…. After we took Memee home from his rations, we entertained ourselves watching Animal Interviews on the computer.  They are so funny!  There’s even a guinea pig who thinks he’s a turtle,  just cause he’s got this towel on  his head.  What a stupid pig.  Whenever I get a towel on my head, I shake it right off.  Don’t you?  Well anyway, watching the animal interviews made all of us laugh so much we forget about opera rations and the cancer lottery, and money and being round.  If you never saw them and you want to laugh all day go here: cut and paste
You’d better do it cause there’s gonna be a pop quiz about it on my next post.  (Whenever that is)

See you,
P.S. Mrs. Stillman says she is sure I will win the contest so she’s not worried at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Libby
I sent you a email but Mrs. S ask me to repost it here. That was two hours ago and I don't remember what I wrote. Oh, I really like your plog. Now that spring is almost here maybe Mrs.S. will write more when you tell her to write. I know that can be ruff. Soon Mrs S. will want you to dig holes so she can plant the weeds with flowers on them. If you do much digging tell her to throw you a bone once in a while. More later, Pal