It is imprinted with millions of paw prints that have been analyzed to reveal a type of dogoglyphics.
The dogoglyphics appear to be a bible that was started 10,000 BC but finished as late as 350 AD. However, the first part, Genesis, was completed 8,000 BC. Due to the lack of opposable thumbs, dogs had to use thousands of characters to complete the writings, resulting in a publication date that missed the original bible deadline of 800 B.C.
The new information reveals earth-shattering information about the “creation.” Long suspected in the canine world, the word Dog was in fact transposed in the human bible to the word god. It now appears that Dog did in fact create the heavens and the earth as well as the first wolf couple. The wolves were given dogminion over the planet, not humans as previously thought. Being of better nature than the current ruling class, dogs did not slaughter and mishandle all other animals and plants. They slowly domesticated humans with a method described as face licking and wagging. Humans are still trying to figure out what the “wagging” ritual was and assumed it was a misspelled version of waging. (Resulting in the unfortunate practice of dog racing and the stock market).
Dogs invented agriculture by showing humans how to dig in the soil and plant bones or other more growable items. (Libby digging)
They also invented the wheel by rolling into balls and sliding down hills covered with snow.
They taught humans how to work in groups and how to hunt. Sadly, although dogs only hunted for weak or genetically non-functional prey, humans adapted the method for use in wars, football, and religious discrimination, thereby weakening the human gene pool considerably.
Dogs therefore invented a form of movable type known as paw prints that never really took off due to the lack of willing printers available. Humans saw the possibilities however, and began making “footprints in the sand” which they later attributed to a first century carpenter who vacationed on the Mediterranean.
Unfortunately, Dog, being only a dog was not able to alter the sad chain of events that followed the adulteration of the original creation.
The rest is His-story. We now know that 'Dogstory' is a more accurate account of life on Earth, which is one of many planets in one of many Universes.
New data about this exciting turn of events will be printed as they become available*
*The Doglick Caniversity of Ithaca would welcome any information regarding this happy discovery. Comments here or email to might be accepted.
Wow!!! Whaddya think of that! I hope Police Dogs will be more considerate and less discriminating than the current Policemen.
Please read the next post too since I only wrote it yesterday.
Thanx and Love,
Your new world doginator,
1 comment:
I always thought Dog created the universe. Thanks for your corroboration.
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