Blog Archive

Nov 3, 2013


Last year I wore a pillow case with eye holes . I was excited to be a ghost because I knew no one would know who I was and we could scare every body on the street. Turned out there were a lotta ghosts out there, nobody knew who anybody was.  Except  me! Everybody knew me. What a drag.

For some reason, They all said “Hello Libby.” The minute they saw me.   I still don’t know how they were able to tell.

So this year I thought I would be a skeleton, or a bee, or a devil.  When trick or treat time came, Mrs Stillman put me in the skeleton outfit.  So that’s what I decided to be.

Every other minute a princess and a cat came to the door.  Giant cats!  Some were even bigger than the princesses. I was scared stiff! 
Luckily I had my skeleton outfit on , so all the cats thought I was dead.
 I got through the night without a scratch.

And what did our brave cat Memee do?. He hid behind the chair and wouldn't come out.
What a weenie. And I’ve been afraid of this guy? He’s just a scaredy cat. Ha ha!

All the princesses knew I was alive though. “Ooh look! A poodle!”
They all wanted to pet me. The tiny ones were a little scared at first, but once they felt how soft I was, they loved me! That part was nice.

Manny (Mr. Manny A. Mouse) watched the whole thing from the basement window.  He had his kids dressed up as a cheese tray.

 Bobby was american.  Erica Sue was swiss.  Cynthia was muenster.  And Brie was brie.  But she was hiding out on the water heater. So i didn’t see her. Memee said they looked good enough to eat. But, Manny didn’t think that was very funny.  

 I gave the kids some M&Ms that I had deftly removed from the candy bag..  
I couldn’t have eaten them anyway because chocolate kills dogs**.  I hate giving up candy, even M&Ms , but the kids looked so happy that I was cool with it.

 As I was going back upstairs I saw them trading colors.

“But you have a red!”
 “No that’s magenta.”
“What’s magenta?”
“It’s this silly”
“Well then you have a magenta,
I want the red.”
And so on.

I gotta go now. I’ve been up for 45 minutes and I need a nap.!


Hank said...

I would have never guessed that that was you in the skeleton costume.
I got to thinking maybe next year you could dress as a cat, then I changed my mind because that would be embarrassing for you. Sorry for the thought.
Had fun reading your story so keep it up. You friend, Pal

Gerry Monaghan22 said...

Libby - I am glad you have a sense of humor. It must really come in handy living with Mrs Stillman, haha.

Libby said...

THank you Hank and Gerry for leaving such nice comments. Gerry I will tell Mrs Stillman what nice things you say about her.