Blog Archive

Mar 30, 2014

New Kid on Block

 What a day I am having! No that is not me . 
It’s a kid here who insists she is my daughter, which I strongly doubt  First of all  she is weird looking, not like me. 
She's white on one half and black on the other. Her name is Sweetie but it shudda been Yin Yang.  Ha ha. get it? Ha ha.  Well anywooze,  she asked me if she could  use my Plog to send a letter home. Of course I told her to get her own friggin puppy log. So what did she do? The brat started to cry. Oh great.  Then  Mrs. Stillman got mad at me. Okay,okay,  let the kid use my plog.  But,  just this once.  So here’s her stupid, (and this is the last doggone time anyone else uses my space to write their own doggone stuff because YES, I am annoyed.  Its bad enough I have to watch Mrs. Stillman kiss her ass- Literally!!! - Let alone have her write on my perfect puppy publication)  letter: Please read more:


Dear Mrs. Beth,
 I was wondering,  if you will forgive me for asking, I was wondering what I did wrong that made you send me away.  I tried really hard not to be ascared of you but I just couldn’t help jumping when I heard a noise, or you moved, or the light went on, or I hadda come in the door, or you answered the phone or other stuff.  Other than that Mrs. Beth, I tried really hard to be a good girl. Why does  everybody hate me and send me away?  I wipe my nose and clean my nails every day and my cute little butt too.  I am a meticulous girl and not a brat like Dog Mom Libby.  Please tell me why  so that New Mom doesn’t send me away too. 

So,  Don't worry Mrs Beth,  I am sure I will be safe here, maybe.  Truth is  I have a sneaking suspicion Dog Mom is an atheist! And New Mom too!   But, she doesn’t have horns or a spiked tail …so I don’t know.   Am I gonna go to dog hell?  But please, don't worry yourself about me... I'm sure Hell is very nice......

Well dog  bless you anyway, Mrs. Beth.  And please say hello to all the nice people at ATAILTOTELL Shelter.  And , please thank them for saving me from that horrible outdoor puppy mill  shed that I had to live in for 7 years.  Nobody ever turned the lights on in there.  It was real scary.  And there was no heat when it was cold  and no hands either.  Hands are a new thing to me and sometimes, I must admit, they are really nice, even though they scare me at first.  I am trying not to run away from New Mom’s hands because I don’t want her to send me away... like you did. 
Yours in perpupitude,
Not that I am blaming you Mrs. Beth.  Not at all.  I am sure it was my fault--as usual. So please don't feel guilty.
Your lonesome betrayed bereft barkless little 
ex Sweetie

Whew, this is Libby again.  I’m glad that’s over.  Now where was I?  Mrs. Stillman, the kid, and I went to the Vet today. The Vet said I look very young for my age, not that I am bragging.  She said it about Mrs. Stillman too, so she coulda been lying.  But, she didn’t say that about the kid, ha ha.  Although she did say the kid was in great shape.  We were early so we hadda take a long walk around the block.  Kit (ugh) walked me and Mrs. Stillman walked the kid.  I hadda follow so that I could keep my nose virtually attached to Mrs. Stillman’s heel.  That gave me a good view of the kid on a leash.  She seems really good on a leash.  She just prances along like she owns Mrs. Stillman.  Which she does NOT.  Cause I do.  I’ll set her straight when Mrs. Stillman goes to sleep.  I’m gonna ask Manny to scare her!  Ha ha.  Manny’ll love that…..maybe.

1 comment:

Kit said...

Libby, I've seen you be nice (ish) to Sweetie. Your bark is worse than your bite. Get it? haha.