Blog Archive

Dec 30, 2013

Missing Mice

I would like to address certain accusations of late that my baking talents have something to do with Manny’s children being “up and gone”.  I want to put that to rest right now.  Yes, I enjoy cat pie and squirrel cake, but mouse danish?  Really?  What do you think I am?  A wolf?  .........Hmmmmmmm.

Anyway, I am also not responsible for that lovely mouse pie 

that I have seen in “cooking with dogs” magazine.  That picture was taken in some foreign country, like Pennsylvania or Transylvania or something like that.I have never been to either of those pl....... Never mind that.  I did not bake that pie.  Besides if I were in PA the only oven I woulda known woulda been the sun, and I woulda been in it.  (Thank you ATAILTOTELL rescuers).

Okay, back to the kids. A very clever friend of Mrs. Stillman suggested I ask Memee (the ugh cat) where Manny’s kids might be.  But not even Memee bake ‘em in a pie.  Would he?  Naaah.
I think the kids have just gone on to develop their own interests,

 to meet new people, and other exciting things.

I heard Baby Brie wants to be a cheesy dancer.  But that is her business, not mine.  We all gotta live ya know?

I hope this post will straighten out these insidious rumors.
Yours truly,
PS please do not mention either of these puppositions to Mr. Manny T Mouse or dog forbid to Mrs. Mouse.
PPS oh yeah and

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